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12 votes

What are the 4M's of espresso?

4M is a term mainly used among Italians for espresso. It is a placeholder for four words that start with "M" in Italian that affects espresso preparation. Some information can be found here. These M'...
MTSan's user avatar
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11 votes

How can I improve this latte?

I own this machine and have since moved on from it for the exact reasons you stated. It is possible to create microfoam that is good enough for making clearly defined latte art on the Delonghi Dedica ...
Shiri's user avatar
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9 votes

What is a café allongé, and how is it pronounced?

Café allongé is the French for Italian cafe lungo, or in English, long espresso. There may be previous related answers on this: I run my espresso machine until my whole cup is full. What's my ...
MTSan's user avatar
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9 votes

How to order Caffe Macchiato and be sure you get one?

The problem with ordering a "Macchiato" is that it's only half of the name of a traditional coffee drink. "Macchiato" means "stained" or "flecked" and not more. In Italy, you have either Latte ...
Stephie's user avatar
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8 votes

Non-plastic version of an AeroPress?

This may be off topic because it is opinion-based and hypothetical in nature. There may be some merit however because it is presented with a "fair and impartial tone" and invites experiences over ...
Michael Hartmann's user avatar
8 votes

What are the differences between americano and espresso?

An espresso is a shot of coffee produced by forcing hot water at high pressure through coffee grounds. Often, the espresso is the base shot of coffee from which other coffee drinks are prepared, ...
Nick Udell's user avatar
7 votes

Is an Americano the same as drip coffee?

Differences Crema: an espresso has crema whereas drip brew coffee doesn't. The reason for this is that an espresso is pulled under pressure. Paper filtered: drip brew tends to be filtered by paper of ...
JJJ's user avatar
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7 votes

What's the difference between Turkish and Italian coffee?

If you mean the products you see at a grocer, the answer is simply grind. "Turkish coffee" is a finer grind setting than espresso, so that the final product very closely resembles dust. "Italian ...
R Mac's user avatar
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6 votes

Indians understanding coffee

I am South Indian and a coffee fanatic; and each time I order an espresso, the coffee shop staff member will be sure to say, there is no milk in it. They don't say 'no sugar' in my town because ...
English Student's user avatar
6 votes

What are my options for approximating espresso at work?

I don't want to provide any specific product links here since they may change in the future and I also don't want to advertise specific stores. However there are some options I can think of. There ...
avocado1's user avatar
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6 votes

Why are Costa or Starbucks lattes so good?

I'm not familiar with Costa, but I am with Starbucks. Let me offer my ideas in what's different. Starbucks stores use fully automatic espresso machines with semi automatic frothing wands. The espresso ...
R Mac's user avatar
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5 votes

How can I improve this latte?

I've steamed milk on my friend's Saeco Aroma, which seems to be in the same class as your Delonghi, and was able to get good microfoam. Aside from getting some pointers along the way, the key is ...
nateclonch's user avatar
5 votes

How can I maximize the time the "high" lasts?

You would like to prolong the "high" that coffee i.e. caffeine causes. Caffeine is metabolized by your liver. So anything that interferes with your liver metabolizing caffeine would extend the high, ...
Modslacfilio's user avatar
5 votes

What skills/techniques are necessary for making espresso?

If the concern is solely production of great espresso, I would argue that the 'skillset' required actually consists of a single point. Palate. Being able to discern flavours and work out what is good ...
Shiri's user avatar
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5 votes

How quickly does ground coffee get stale?

I can say, by experience, that it's not a superstition. Maybe not seconds, but for sure it's just a few minutes. Maybe someone could find a reference to an experiment or I may encounter and add it ...
MTSan's user avatar
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5 votes

How could I fix espresso that pours too fast?

First things first; I advise you to decalcify your device in advance. This may fix many shady problems and taste issues. Then... There may be several issues that may affect your flow. These are what ...
MTSan's user avatar
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5 votes

Does espresso cost more to make than drip coffee?

The primary factor is that it takes considerably more effort and skill to make an espresso than drip coffee. A good espresso requires a far more expensive piece of machinery which requires greater ...
Mayo's user avatar
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When the espresso begins to pour it takes about 3-5 secound to reach the right presure, what can I do?

This is completely normal, this is the pre-infusion phase. Pre-infusion is used to wet the grounds before starting ideal espresso extraction. Wetting with hot water helps the grounds to release ...
MTSan's user avatar
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5 votes

Is there a name for this drink?

This sounds Cortado or Noisette to me. Still, additional water makes it a bit interesting. I assume you may simply order your coffee based on lungo instead of doppio. Again, lungo based Cappucino ...
MTSan's user avatar
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Why is tamping necessary for espresso machines but not mokas?

Espresso machines rely on pressure to extract coffee solutes over a very short (~25 seconds) extraction time. Tamping is a critical aspect to achieving this. By tamping ideally, you eliminate channels ...
R Mac's user avatar
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Can I reuse grounds to make another espresso?

The simple answer is one extraction per portafilter filling. So depending on whether you use the smaller one-shot or larger double-shot insert, you get one or two shots per button press and after that,...
Stephie's user avatar
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5 votes

Is espresso supposed to be bitter and drank on its own or am I supposed to add something to it?

No, you didn’t do anything wrong. There are lots of people that enjoy their espresso “pure” and most would argue that you can enjoy the unadulterated flavor best that way. However, there’s also no ...
Stephie's user avatar
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4 votes

What are the standard espresso parameters (dose, mass/volume, time, etc.)?

The question is a very complex one, so I will try to answer with a standard approach of dialing in your espresso. Generally speaking what you should aim for is a espresso that is full bodied, sweet, ...
avocado1's user avatar
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How can I produce better espresso shots with my Gaggia Classic?

The standard parameters of producing a decent espresso is previously discussed here: What are the standard espresso parameters (dose, mass/volume, time, etc.)? As you can see from this answer, ...
MTSan's user avatar
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4 votes

Bialetti 2 cup really 1 cup?

The Bialetti two Cup stove top produces 100ml of coffee. That is in fact much more than two average espressos. A double shot pulled from an espresso machine would have between 40ml and 60ml. Your ...
avocado1's user avatar
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4 votes

What is going wrong with this Espresso shot?

I don't think anyone can really give a definitive answer to this but I'd like to chime in to try to help. It's almost impossible to find your answer because of how many different variables are at play ...
Shiri's user avatar
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Any heath benefits of having butter coffee?

Heath benefits of adding butter in your coffee are: 1) Vitamin K is found in butter,which helps in blood clotting and keeping the bones strong into old age. 2) Contains Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) ...
Emmac's user avatar
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4 votes

Delonghi Dedica rubber wand is propelled into milk pitcher

I think the panarello is keeping the inner rubber tube in place, so it's normal for the tube to pop off under pressure. You can hold the tube in place by using a cable tie as can be seen in this video:...
Brecht Machiels's user avatar
4 votes

How do I make an espresso shot in a moka pot?

You can create more pressure if you will use finer grind (but be careful). I even tamp a bit (but be careful again). You can also buy Bialetti Brikka, which has a pressure valve - it helps to build ...
Artem Sou's user avatar
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4 votes

How much leverage pressure is it needed to compress coffee for an espresso?

Based on your comment on the question, you are referring to compacting ground coffee in the portafilter. This process is referred to as tamping when making espresso. The widely-accepted amount of ...
Patrick Sebastien's user avatar

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