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Is there any process after roasting coffee?

Typically after roasting coffee there is a rest period during which you don't want to use the coffee. Roughly 85-90% of carbon dioxide contained in a coffee bean after roasting will be released in ...
Nate M.'s user avatar
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How quickly does ground coffee get stale?

I can say, by experience, that it's not a superstition. Maybe not seconds, but for sure it's just a few minutes. Maybe someone could find a reference to an experiment or I may encounter and add it ...
MTSan's user avatar
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How long does it take coffee beans to degas?

Degassing is discussed a few times. The most cited answer in Coffee SE is probably this question. In short: Degassing takes up to 2 to 4 days to achieve drinkable coffee. If you really want to ...
MTSan's user avatar
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Aluminium v's Ceramic storage

Typically aluminum packaging is actually a three (or more) layered packaging with aluminum not being in direct contact with the beans. Aluminum is a superb barrier to air, and it is typically used as ...
Nate M.'s user avatar
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Are light coloured spots on beans mold?

The light colored spots just look like chaff to me. It is common for there to be skin that stays connected to that middle fold of the bean.
Jim L.'s user avatar
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Why can’t I find natural beans easily?

Consumers (and marketers) are expanding their vocabulary for describing coffee. And at the same time coffee producers are improving and refining their methods. Both of these I think contribute to what ...
hoc_age's user avatar
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What am I supposed to do when coffee shop leave some coffee beans in my latte

You should eat floating coffee beans, will add extra caffeine and also beneficial antioxidants and nutrition compared with just the drink. On average a coffee bean does contain 12mg of caffeine, ...
n1tk's user avatar
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What is a "dry process" coffee?

There are generally speaking two categories of processing methods and some hybrids of the two. You will often see either washed coffee or natural coffee. 1. Washed coffee Washing is the newer method,...
avocado1's user avatar
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Coffee with colors?

As the best of my knowledge, no. There is a bean variety named Jamaican Blue Mountain. Maybe its name could make people misunderstood... Nothing that is blue I've heard of. Other than that, not the ...
MTSan's user avatar
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Is there any process after roasting coffee?

Ethiopians (and as far as I experienced Cubans) prefer to roast their beans up to darkness, then grind immediately. Ethiopians brew it more like Turkish while Cubans use moka pots. So, it is possible. ...
MTSan's user avatar
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How to tell if coffee beans are burnt?

Char - smell and taste. Excessive oil coating the surface of the beans. The extracted coffee will have a flat taste. Hard to describe, but the taste will be predominately "charred" and nothing else. ...
Jim's user avatar
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Are light coloured spots on beans mold?

These beans look completely healthy. One must consider the basic structure of a coffee bean, maybe. To better explain that, I ddg'ed the web and end up with this website that perfectly illustrates ...
MTSan's user avatar
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What ensures a better cup of coffee, a spotless grinder or freshly ground coffee?

Always grind fresh. Considering that the roaster you buy the 250 gr pre-ground coffee also uses some grinder and at most wipes its burrs daily, I would go for the first option. The residual coffee ...
MTSan's user avatar
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Found around 10kg of 18 year old vacuum sealed coffee beans. Safe to consume?

18 years might be pushing it, and that is impressive! As a side thing, I would honestly love to try some. I am not saying that it will definitely be bad, or definitely be good before a certain ...
Keith E. Truesdell's user avatar
4 votes

Blond flakes in espresso grounds

I think you're talking about coffee bean chaff, it's pictured after roasting in this blog. These are blonde flakes the come off the beans during the roasting process. In most commercially sold coffee ...
JJJ's user avatar
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Is coffee grinder adjustability worth the higher price?

You absolutely want to be able to choose grind size - even if you have a preferred brewing method and beans, you still want to be able to make some adjustments up or down if necessary. Even more so if ...
Stephie's user avatar
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Does which grind setting you use also depend on the beans used?

It's not just your head! Different roast batches will benefit from different grind settings. In general, this is partly because different roast levels will result in beans that contain different ...
R Mac's user avatar
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Can “coffee” be made from other ingredients beyond coffee beans?

Your thoughts are neither new nor unheard of. Coffee as a product has always been a luxury item in most parts of the world, so consumers have been creative in finding substitutes for the real deal ...
Stephie's user avatar
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Aluminium v's Ceramic storage

Perfect and optimal are are not the same. And optimizing many factors. In transportation the are other factors - mainly transportation. Glass is relatively expensive, bulky, heavy, and fragile ...
paparazzo's user avatar
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What are some strategies for handling the transition between different-aged beans in a coffee shop Espresso grinder?

I may have an idea. Put the new batch in a container that's easy to remove from the top and at the same time easy to observe. Maybe something like nylon stockings. When you see it touches the bottom, ...
MTSan's user avatar
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What are some strategies for handling the transition between different-aged beans in a coffee shop Espresso grinder?

You will just have to find some form of compromise. I think the best way would be to empty the Hopper and then fill it with the new beans (also sometimes you might want to switch up the espresso?). ...
avocado1's user avatar
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Shelf life of beans?

I think it is generally regarded that beans are still 'fresh' within one month of roasting where the flavour profile of the bean will change over that one month. Dissecting it further, people tend to ...
Shiri's user avatar
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What ensures a better cup of coffee, a spotless grinder or freshly ground coffee?

Great question. I suggest trying a blind A-B comparison test to find out which one actually tastes better to you. (Have fun and invite some friends over for the coffee tasting experiment. Please ...
Jerry101's user avatar
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What am I supposed to do when coffee shop leave some coffee beans in my latte

They are not harmful and as stated in the previous comment, can have health benefits, so it's totally up to you. You can always try eating one and if you don't like it either don't eat the other ones ...
katyp93's user avatar
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Blond flakes in espresso grounds

I roast with a Fresh Roast SR540 and most of the chaff comes off, but I have noticed that when I grind (for drip) there are light colored flakes as you have described. That is chaff that has stuck to ...
Bill N's user avatar
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2 votes

What does a coffee cherry taste like?

We just got Cascara syrup in the store at the Starbucks where I work. It will be available to the public in just a few days. It tastes really good but it is exceedingly difficult to describe. It ...
luser droog's user avatar
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Are there health risks to eating coffee?

Unfiltered coffee - such as French press - can significantly elevate cholesterol levels due to a substance called cafestol and kahweol found in the coffee's oils. I would imagine these are especially ...
user4323's user avatar
2 votes

Kopi Luwak coffee beans

Each coffee has it's own special taste and distinctive flavours. Whether it is pre-ground Maxwell House or small-batch roasted single origin, there will be different flavour profiles and smells. The ...
Michael Hartmann's user avatar
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Using Arabica coffee beans for making instant coffee

The process should be quite the same. At least, according to this wholeseller's website. As far as I understand this company sells 100% Arabica or Robusta OEM instant coffee. For example, the well-...
MTSan's user avatar
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Coffee Sites with Flavor Profile

That is a simplified 'consumer' version of a coffee flavor wheel that roasters / importers etc use for trying to put words to a coffees flavor. It is a really good way to try and explain the flavor ...
Nate M.'s user avatar
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