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7 votes

Finding if coffee is a health risk after best before

With all foods, FAT TOM is your best start to gauge their susceptibility to spoilage. Now, FAT TOM is actually an acronym for the six factors that influence the growth of microbes. And bacterial ...
Stephie's user avatar
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7 votes

Does ground coffee lose caffeine like it loses aroma?

Caffeine has a very very low vapor pressure 9.0X10-7 mm Hg at 25 deg C. Source Almost none would evaporate.
paparazzo's user avatar
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7 votes

Does coffee really need to be stored in an air-tight container?

How to store coffee beans is a much opiniated area. Degassing CO2 from coffee beans is most important right after the coffee has been roasted, since it would release a lot there and then gradually ...
Emil Ingerslev's user avatar
5 votes

How long does it take coffee beans to degas?

Degassing is discussed a few times. The most cited answer in Coffee SE is probably this question. In short: Degassing takes up to 2 to 4 days to achieve drinkable coffee. If you really want to ...
MTSan's user avatar
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Aluminium v's Ceramic storage

Typically aluminum packaging is actually a three (or more) layered packaging with aluminum not being in direct contact with the beans. Aluminum is a superb barrier to air, and it is typically used as ...
Nate M.'s user avatar
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5 votes

Coffee Expired before its mentioned date?

I am afraid that there are two misconceptions One, what you have in the jar are not coffee beans, it’s freeze-dried prepared coffee. Think of it as the coffee equivalent of bullion cubes. Two, the ...
Stephie's user avatar
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4 votes

How should I store whole bean coffee?

The big killers of coffee taste in roasted coffee beans are: moisture and airborne aromas oxygen heat In the roasting process the coffee bean doubles in size and gives off most of its moisture ...
Indzi's user avatar
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How long does sealed ground coffee retain its flavors?

To answer your question properly it is necessary to explain what coffee beans actually consist of. Around 50% of the coffee bean are carbohydrates, some of them soluble (like sucrose), but most of ...
avocado1's user avatar
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Does it make sense to buy smaller-sized bags of whole bean coffee to keep it fresher?

Trading off taste difference against price depends on how much each of them matters to you. Storing an open bag of beans in the cabinet for 8 weeks probably does matter to taste, while a 4% price ...
Jerry101's user avatar
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4 votes

If I only occasionally brew at home, should I keep instant or grounds (or something else)?

I've been that person - I kept ground coffee forever. The difference in taste between fresh and old ground coffee is enormous, but so is the difference between old grounds and instant. It's just a ...
Lisa's user avatar
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3 votes

Does it make sense to buy smaller-sized bags of whole bean coffee to keep it fresher?

Perhaps a better way to frame your question is to ask if you are willing to pay an extra 4% to have coffee fresher by one month. For me that's an easy one - absolutely I would pay an extra 4% to have ...
PJNoes's user avatar
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3 votes

Aluminium v's Ceramic storage

Perfect and optimal are are not the same. And optimizing many factors. In transportation the are other factors - mainly transportation. Glass is relatively expensive, bulky, heavy, and fragile ...
paparazzo's user avatar
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3 votes

Freezing brewed coffee

I make my own ice coffee at home I freeze the coffee into cubes so I don't dilute my coffee. I actually love the flavor of the coffee in the fridge more on day 3 and 4. It "ages" and the flavor is ...
Virginia's user avatar
3 votes

Why some coffee pods are under pressure?

Inert gases are known to be chemically stable; they don't react with materials around. Based on that fact Ernesto Illy, the son of the founder of the famous coffee roasting company, invented the ...
MTSan's user avatar
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3 votes

Freezing Cold Brew?

Yes, you can freeze cold brew. There was a time in my life when I did exactly that. I prepared cold brew in a large batch, then, each day before work, I filled a stainless steel water bottle and stuck ...
R Mac's user avatar
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2 votes

Why some coffee pods are under pressure?

Regarding quality issues, the chances are the gas in the pod isn't air. Perishable products are frequently described as being 'packaged in a protective atmosphere'. As to why, I'm not sure what the ...
QWasson's user avatar
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2 votes

How should I store whole bean coffee?

It's interesting how negative folks can get about freezing coffee. There are a few places where freezing coffee has been tested to do really good things. 1) one good thing - is extending life (and ...
m.c. von s's user avatar
2 votes

How should I store whole bean coffee?

In a cool, dry place, away from elements and preferably sealed / vacuum sealed No paper bags or canvas, something clean, and preferably with one of those moisture wicking buttons My favorite thing ...
Keith E. Truesdell's user avatar
2 votes

Do ground beans or brewed coffee lose flavour faster?

In the scenario given, you don't have the prefect solution to drink fresh coffee. However, I would opt for carrying a brewing solution (French-press in your case) with me. Let's discuss the two cases ...
MTSan's user avatar
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Finding if coffee is a health risk after best before

Well, the second picture looks exactly like moldy Nescafe (plain instant coffee, should be brown). We had some on hand to replicate an apparently common Greek preparation based on it, made it a few ...
Ecnerwal's user avatar
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How to transport coffee

Actually, I will change the direction to ground coffee. A few months ago, I have seen a nice solution for campers. I took a photo of it for reference at that time. It seems quite useful to me. However,...
MTSan's user avatar
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How to prepare beans for grinding

THEY APPEAR TO HAVE BEEN ROASTED - you are ready to go! Roasted beans should be used within about day 2 to 10 post roast. Same as answer 2 3 questions ... a good site for green coffee info for ...
lbf's user avatar
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2 votes

Is leaving coffee bins open in the store normal?

No, it is not. As you may see in many other answers in this SE, Coffee SE site's answers will lead you that coffee is best stored when it's distant from air, odor and light. Closed, vacuumed ...
MTSan's user avatar
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2 votes

How long can we safely store cold brew concentrate?

In my experience, if you have sanitised your equipment properly you should get three to four weeks when storing cold brew in a ready-to-drink ratio in the fridge. My feeling is that concentrate would ...
npotion's user avatar
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2 votes

If I only occasionally brew at home, should I keep instant or grounds (or something else)?

Let me suggest different approaches that are much tastier, assuming that's your aim. You can get individually sealed servings of ground coffee, ready to brew, packed without oxygen to stay fresh. ...
Jerry101's user avatar
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2 votes

Can I store wet coffee beans in the fridge?

From a food safety perspective, three to four days should be fine. For longer periods, simply freeze them. But... Wet beans will likely clog up your grinder and it’s probably not a good choice, ...
Stephie's user avatar
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2 votes

NS Oscar II should I drain the boiler before storage?

The Oscar 1 has a brass plug that can be removed with a wrench. You can then pick the machine up and tip it over a drain. Some water might remain in the heat exchanger and tubes, but that will get ...
Jim's user avatar
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2 votes

Coffee choices for Zombie Apocalypse

Freshly roasted beans start degrading after a week or so. Maybe buying cans of beans - ground or not - would be your best choice for drinking not so great coffee during the end days. Check that they "...
Jim's user avatar
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2 votes

Coffee choices for Zombie Apocalypse

This may be a controversial opinion, but i believe freezing coffee beans is a perfectly valid preservation technique, if you only take care to avoid any contact with humid air. That means freezing in ...
ths's user avatar
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