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4 votes

What ensures a better cup of coffee, a spotless grinder or freshly ground coffee?

Always grind fresh. Considering that the roaster you buy the 250 gr pre-ground coffee also uses some grinder and at most wipes its burrs daily, I would go for the first option. The residual coffee ...
MTSan's user avatar
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Found around 10kg of 18 year old vacuum sealed coffee beans. Safe to consume?

18 years might be pushing it, and that is impressive! As a side thing, I would honestly love to try some. I am not saying that it will definitely be bad, or definitely be good before a certain ...
Keith E. Truesdell's user avatar
3 votes

What ensures a better cup of coffee, a spotless grinder or freshly ground coffee?

Great question. I suggest trying a blind A-B comparison test to find out which one actually tastes better to you. (Have fun and invite some friends over for the coffee tasting experiment. Please ...
Jerry101's user avatar
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2 votes

Found around 10kg of 18 year old vacuum sealed coffee beans. Safe to consume?

Well a Japanese guy sells coffee made from 22 yr old beans at $914 per cup, but they are unroasted beans and he roasts them after 20 yrs. So maybe you have unknowingly had the privilege to taste ...
Umesh's user avatar
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Are there any brand legal requirements for Keurig K-cup respecting maximum future date of Best By date stamps?

I learned today that companies send their coffee to Keurig to be roasted, packaged, and distributed. Keurig decides the Best By date.
Tim's user avatar
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What's best median between grinding coffee beans every day or the whole bag at once so that it stays relatively fresh?

According to a previous question/answer here, even whole bean coffee may be appreciably stale after 14 days, and ground coffee within minutes. If you are considering pre-grinding, any number of days ...
steve v's user avatar
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What is Starbucks's roast date?

Starbucks is a huge company that wants to reduce the costs. Therefore, it is expected that they optimize for profit most of the time, not for the taste. One cost-saving approach is to have lots of ...
MTSan's user avatar
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Nitrogen wash beans VS Fresh

The correct term is nitrogen flushing and it does appear to increase the stored shelf life of roasted beans. There is a school of thought that using nitrogen (80% of the air we breath) is not a green ...
lbf's user avatar
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The Barisieur Coffee Alarm and Coffee ground freshness

Define bland... If you compare just-ground to ground last evening and left open, yes, as a connoisseur you will probably notice a difference. Comparing store-bought pre-ground coffee, a few hours ...
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