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3 answers

French Press Technique, two basic questions

I have been following James Hoffmann french press technique video. But am otherwise new to coffee-making in general and have two basic questions. Is it necessary to stir after the four minutes as he ...
Aaron's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Role of "time before crust breaking" in cupping

One of the instructions for cupping is to wait 4 minutes before breaking the crust and removing floating stuff. It is also said (for instance by James Hoffmann) that at that point the brewing process ...
Karim Chahine's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

What difference does a copper coffeepot make?

As the tongue twister and song goes, All I want is a proper cup of coffee Made in a proper copper coffeepot Even going so far to rather having tea than using a coffeepot made out of tin or iron. ...
SQB's user avatar
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6 answers

Why are Costa or Starbucks lattes so good?

I’m a coffee addict and I have been always having Starbucks as well Costa. I just love their lattes , but it become too expensive over time, so I am on a road to discover how to make coffee like them. ...
localhost's user avatar
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Coffee percolator

I have bought an Italian percolator and cannot get the taste right, like you would find in a coffee house. I buy beans from a proper coffee house and tried many different coffee types and origins. ...
user33232's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Non-plastic version of an AeroPress?

I'm interested in getting a device like the aeropress that has no plastic in it. Ideally, double-walled tempered glass housing, cork plunger, fine stainless steel filter, stainless steel cap. I'm ...
EternalPropagation's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is there a composition available about how the main parameters influence coffee taste?

There's lots of information available about the influence of various parameters on coffee taste, but it's scattered across the internet. On top of that, most answers and articles are packed with ...
Bart's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Is dark roast stronger than light roast?

Dark roast coffee is roasted longer and at higher temperatures than light roast. What is the difference in taste?
Antoin Koeman's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Why does my coffee at work have a paper/wood flavor?

I'm at a loss. I have tried everything to make coffee taste as good at work as it does at home, eliminating as many variables as possible. I do not do anything different in my brewing between home and ...
Josh Whetstone's user avatar
2 votes
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Coffee too less for Frenchpress

I am new to frenchpress coffee and love the rich flavour of coffee it makes. However I am not sure if I am doing it right. The coffee beans I had grinder packet says 7g of coffee in 180ml of water. ...
localhost's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Adding Cinnamon to Coffee?

I have seen a lot of articles saying adding cinnamon to one's coffee makes it taste a little better? I don't see how could adding something make something original taste even better? has someone tried ...
Diabolik's user avatar
4 votes
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Aeropress: How to accent the caramel flavor and decrease the acidity of my beans (Burundi)?

I recently bought some Full-City roasted Burundi Gaharo The flavor profile is: Strong caramel, tropic fruit juicy flavor, moderate body, great balance of sweetness and acidity and bitterness. Here ...
mugetsu's user avatar
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2 answers

For how long coffee may stay in thermoses; meeting ECBC/SCAE/SCAA requirements, what does it mean?

We got in the office some kind of coffee-machine, I think it's Moccamaster CD Thermo, and it has 2 thermoses, to keep a coffee warm/fresh for certain period of time. Thermoses are good and easy to ...
Farside's user avatar
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3 answers

How best to reduce tannins in black coffee?

I've traditionally had coffee with milk, no sugar. However I've recently switched to a diet that involves either reducing milk intake or switching to a milk substitute. I've been trying to make the ...
Soundscape's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

How can I improve this Chemex cold brew method?

I do like my cold brewed coffee but it's difficult and inconvenient for me to make and keep in work due to the time it takes to steep, shared fridge space, etc. I came across this method recently... ...
CMD's user avatar
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8 votes
6 answers

How can I emphasize the sweet, fruity notes of my coffee?

I know light roasts tend to have these flavors more. How can I brew to maximize these flavors? I use an Aeropress, but any answers are useful.
chbaker0's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

Does it make a difference whether the moka lid is open or not?

When brewing coffee with a moka pot, I often leave the lid open so I can better tell when the coffee is ready. Is having the lid off affecting the brewing process in any significant way? I imagine ...
Nick Udell's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Does adding salt to coffee reduce bitterness?

Although this was kind of asked in this question, it was as a side-question that wasn't really answered. I've heard people say you should put salt in coffee to reduce bitterness. Does this actually ...
fredley's user avatar
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How do various factors interact in preparation? [closed]

Obviously, differencies in a bunch of parameters yield variance in flavour and acidity? This is not only temperature, but also time (from the rapid espresso to Cezve to all-nighter cold brews), amount ...
Ivan Kapitonov's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Could preparation method make coffee more acidic?

This is more of a vague feeling than something I'm sure of, but from the many cups I've drunk, I have a feeling that when prepared in a french press, my coffee tastes a little more sour/acidic, ...
Ludwik's user avatar
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8 answers

Is it possible to burn coffee while brewing?

I know some people who refuse to drink in large coffee chains as they say that the coffee they produce tastes "burnt". Is it actually possible to burn coffee while brewing, or is the flavour they're ...
BiscuitBaker's user avatar
30 votes
2 answers

Does the hardness of water matter when making coffee?

I live in a hard water area and when brewing English Tea I can definitely taste and see the difference when compared to where I'm from, which is a soft water area. Does the hardness of the water ...
EdChum's user avatar
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