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Questions tagged [turkish-coffee]

All questions related to Turkish-style coffee brewing (and equipment).

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How to brew a Turkish style coffee with milk from a microwave?

In my further learning about Turkish Coffee, I came across: This looks quite intriguing. Now, I do like milk in my coffee. And a bit of coffee, as they ...
Nicholas Saunders's user avatar
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How suitable is a glass pot for making Turkish Coffee with milk?

I'm looking into Turkish Coffee and it looks very appealing from a flavor, caffeine strength. and cleanup perspective. I was considering one of the electric machines to boil, but it kinda seems like ...
Nicholas Saunders's user avatar
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Are there any electric Turkish Coffee Makers without a mostly plastic or Teflon coated boiling pot? [closed]

Is there an electric Turkish Coffee Maker that doesn't have a mostly plastic or Teflon-coated boiling pot? I don't have a conclusive answer, but I cannot find such a product on the US market. This is ...
curiositasisasinbutstillcuriou's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I make cardamom flavor consistent in Turkish coffee?

I've always hated cardamom in Turkish coffee, but the other day I went to a Greek restaurant and forgot to tell them to leave the cardamom out. And it turned out to be really good! I tried to ...
Quassnoi's user avatar
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original taste of coffee

Coffee is a sensitive object. Storing coffee in the wrong place and in the wrong way will change its original taste and freshness. Some people may often buy coffee in large quantities to stock up for ...
curiesea 's user avatar
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Does turkish coffee require different beans or roast or grind than espresso?

After a while I settled on the beans that for filtered coffee, and I like espresso with them too, just ground more finely. So now I tried Turkish coffee with the same beans and the same grind as ...
Michael's user avatar
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What are the recipes/reccomendations for the best turkish-style coffee?

I've visited a couple of local Arab/Armenian/Turkish restaurants and they server this intense, high-caffeine, sweet, almost chocolate looking coffee which i love, I'd like to know what's your best ...
Elfarto's user avatar
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What's the difference between Turkish and Italian coffee?

Is there any difference between Turkish coffee and Italian coffee?
SrilankaAttractions's user avatar
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What kind of coffee machine can process powdered coffee?

I have a drink I like to make using powdered coffee, a coffee grind finer than espresso. but when I try to make it in an espresso machine, the powder expands, and only the first few drips come out. (...
j0h's user avatar
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Which produce more crema Arabica or Robusta?

Which beans produce more crema Arabica or Robusta ? Is it the same for Espresso and Turkish ? Thanks
Zahaby's user avatar
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What coffees can I make with a briki?

I have a briki at home and was wondering what types of coffee can I make with it apart from Greek coffee, yack. Anything like cappuccino/latte/americano?
A.D.'s user avatar
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Your recommendation and advice for Turkish coffee blends

I am in a process of establishing a small coffee-factory in Egypt. I would like to know your recommendation for Turkish-coffee-blend, what do you prefer, what are your recommendations ? I am ...
Zahaby's user avatar
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How do I design a Turkish coffee mixture?

I am trying to create a Turkish coffee mixture, by combining Colombian, Brazilian, Robusta and a few other types together in some percentage. I could not find a base at which to stand in designing ...
Muhammad Abu-Awwad's user avatar
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How do I make my Turkish coffee immune to brewing temperature?

I want to design Turkish coffee, but I keep finding that the taste is widely affected by the person who brewes the coffee and the temperature at which he does it. I want to make my coffee immune to ...
Muhammad Abu-Awwad's user avatar
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Greek Coffee Law in Greece

I read somewhere that there is a law in Greece that cafes must serve Greek coffee. Can someone verify that there is such a law, or regulation?
Jackjack's user avatar
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What is "mırra", the over-brewed Turkish coffee?

There are many methods mentioned in Coffee SE on Turkish coffee brewing. Are there any other alternatives/variations from the standard way of preparing Turkish coffee? One of such variety I have heard ...
MTSan's user avatar
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Coffee ground sieves: Can they make a noticeable change in the flavor?

I have seen a kickstarter project lately, named Rafino. It claims to include a set of fine sieves to separate ground coffee into finer levels. I thought it may be beneficial, mostly for Turkish ...
MTSan's user avatar
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Is it good to have the "floating oil" on the surface of some coffee drinks?

Coffees prepared with some standard home machines (e.g., non-paper-filtered methods like moka, Turkish, or even some espresso machines) have something on the surface. It looks like oil from the beans. ...
Eric Platon's user avatar
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Coffee in Jordan vs Turkish coffee [duplicate]

These two coffees look the same to me - is there any difference? I didn't get a chance to taste the coffee while I was in Jordan, which is why I'm still curious. Thanks!
Jen's user avatar
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Disadvantages of coffee? [closed]

I drink coffee many time a day; you can say I'm an addict. Not for a specific reason, I just love the taste. My family keeps telling me to stop drinking it, but I can't. Can anyone tell me the ...
Soukaina's user avatar
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What coffee and roast are best for Turkish?

Following a stream of very good discussions about aspects of Turkish coffee preparation, here's a question about coffee selection. Different brewing methods are thought to highlight different aspects ...
Ivan Kapitonov's user avatar
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Triple heating of the Turkish coffee

As a follow up on this discussion of Turkish preparation, I'm wondering how to do the triple heating. This refers to the repeating sequence of heating the coffee in a cezve, and then letting it cool ...
Ivan Kapitonov's user avatar
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Actual Cezve: advice for buying

I'd like to buy 200-300ml Cezve. I'm not sure what features are important, such as what material it's made of, handle design, pot shape, etc. What are the important features to look for when ...
Ilan's user avatar
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How to make Turkish coffee in a syphon?

I've been experimenting with my Syphon to make turkish coffee, my thoughts on the matter are that using the syphon without a filter would allow the water to boil, move to the upper chamber, let the ...
PabTorre's user avatar
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Cezve doesn't leak with cold water in it, leaks after heating

I have a cezve I bought some time ago. I've tried making some coffee with it, and after about 30 seconds of heating on the stove, it starts to leak (dripping one by one). Is there any way to fix this, ...
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Coffee brewed without filter taste less bitter and sour?

So my roommate and I have been a bit intrigued by brewed coffee after watching tokyo ghoul (lol) We got some BonCafe grounds(southeast asia brand) at a supermarket and brewed it with a filter. Have ...
dennis97519's user avatar
16 votes
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What gives Turkish coffee that unique "quality"?

I'm wondering what makes Turkish coffee made out of original Turkish packed ground coffee taste so differently (better) from what I can do from beans that I grind myself or in the shop, following ...
Timofey Pivsaev's user avatar
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Do the size and shape of a cezve matter?

When brewing Turkish coffee in a cezve, it's generally recommended to fill with water up to the neck of the pot. Is it alright to use a bigger cezve (say, a double one) for making less coffee (e.g., a ...
Ivan Kapitonov's user avatar
18 votes
4 answers

Difference between Turkish and Greek coffee?

Is there a difference between Turkish and Greek coffee? Or is it the same thing with different names at different places?
Bob's user avatar
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Could preparation method make coffee more acidic?

This is more of a vague feeling than something I'm sure of, but from the many cups I've drunk, I have a feeling that when prepared in a french press, my coffee tastes a little more sour/acidic, ...
Ludwik's user avatar
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What is the ideal method/temp of brewing Turkish coffee in a Cezve?

Are there specific methods to brewing the perfect Turkish coffee and temperature to heat it to?
Kevin's user avatar
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