I've never been able to figure out all the patterns to be able to understand which coffee gives me more of the positive effects - mental and physical energy, good mood; with less of the negative effects - anxiety, shakes, tiredness, angriness. So I'm looking for advice on what are likely to be the main factors and how I can make the best feeling cup of coffee at home.
Anecdotally a great expensive coffee from a good coffee shop makes me feel good. I generally have a flat white with a little sugar. At the other end of the scale cheap coffee from the supermarket prepared strong in a mocha and drunk straight up can make me feel terrible - easy to anger, anxious, shaky. Starbucks coffee makes me feel physically terrible, and I haven't drunk it for ages. The last time I did I had to sit down as I was nauseus and overcome with tiredness.
I have never found anything that lets me make a great feeling cup of coffee at home. My best feeling cup at the moment is espresso from a mocha, long, with cream and sugar.
It seems like at different times the main factors have been:
- The coffee bean
- The roast (dark roast = more anxious)
- How it's prepared
- How I consume it (with/without milk, long/short, with/without sugar)
- Freshness of bean
- Freshness of the coffee
And of course I can't rule out my personal mental and physical health at the time, although caffeine does affect me quite strongly so I tend not to drink it when I'm already feeling anxious.
So, what are the main factors in how a cup of coffee feels? Is it just personal or is there a way I can optimise for the positive effects? I'm prepared to spend a bit more on the coffee if it feels good. I have various mochas to make espresso, drippers and French press.
Thanks :)