I mI’m a coffee addict and I have been always having starbucksStarbucks as well costaCosta. I just love ittheir lattes , but sometimes Itit become too expensive over time, so I am on a road to discover how to make coffee like them.
What I have tried. so far:
- I have tried Nespresso machine (problem is the pods are stored for ages which make coffee loose its flavour),
- French press (feel too watery) and
- Milk instant coffee (where it is full cup of milk with one spoon of instant coffee)(which feels too heavy) or
- instant coffee (which feels fake like boiled water).
I am tired of all so these failed attempts, so I go to costaCosta everyday and I always had latteehave a latte. There’s something about them that make coffee so good and alive. How can I get that without being too expensive? But notwithout compromising on taste. like? In short, why do those coffee shops has sohave such amazing coffee.?