(This is probably an opinion question.)
With the coronavirus I've been stocking up on foods that last, and that I like to eat. Example, I love figs and dried fruit and eat them daily so I've bought three months worth. I don't like canned sardines so I didn't stock up on that as I would never eat them unless I was under duress.
So the thought went to coffee. I buy my coffee from a local roaster with a store a few blocks from where I live. As a result I don't buy a lot of coffee at one time. In my experience coffee beans are at their best for about two weeks after roasting and start losing their flavor after about a month.
So - and this is an opinion question: How best to provide for a three to six month shortage.
- Buy beans and have them get stale OR
- Buy packaged coffee: Cafe Bustello or illy?
Yeah. I know. People are dying and hurting and I'm concerned about sitting around in my apartment without any coffee. Chances are this will not be the Zombie Apocalypse; nor will it be a major pandemic outside of China.
But the question remains - how best to stock up for 3-6 months AND not "waste" ones money buying things that one would not use under normal conditions?
TL/DR - After 6 months storage which would be superior - buying cans of illy or freshly roasted beans stored in a bail lid jars?