Can you stir during a pour-over brewing process, or are you really just meant to let it sit?
I ask this because not all pour-over filters are created equal, and some work better than others.
Factors do include:
a. filter shape (flat-bottom, conical, combination of the two), b. filter media (steel, paper, cloth), and; c. grind size of the grounded beans.
Usually, when it comes to drip speed, you can just adjust with grind size, try to match it to filter type, follow a decent technique in water pouring to agitate the grounds, and you'll be fine.
But is the purity of this method best left to water and gravity? Or has anyone ever stirred the coffee slush at any point during the brew process to favorable results?
I'm open to any answer really. I would very much like to hear answers from a practical standpoint (i.e. Will stirring make the coffee brew faster? Taste differently?), as well from a theoretical standpoint that Illustrates the pour-over for what it is meant to be, as a zen-like, artisanal experience.
I do enjoy the process very much, so I'm really just curious if stirring has ever been a part of it.