Rather than 'care but compromise' I would call them inventive, eclectic and adventurous coffee enthusiasts as contrasted with the purists or puritans who believe there is a 'correct and proper' way to do things. You will find this great divide in every serious hobby field, including coffee and hi-fi audio which I am familiar with, but also in beer & wine, automobiles, computers and fashion. Adventurous users are both confident and willing to think out of the box. As you noted in comments, it's also about finding creative personalised solutions to practical challenges:
I like coffee drinks in the cortado / flat white family, but I don't have room on my kitchen counter for an espresso machine and a high-end grinder. Nor am I about to wait fifteen minutes for the espresso machine to come up to heat, etc. My solution: a double shot of Bustelo, made in the Aeropress, with hot (not textured) milk. Tasty, affordable, and space-efficient. – crmdgn [comment] Sep 22 at 20:31
The adventurous coffee enthusiast (as Google shows, the term is already in general use; if it is not yet a group identity, it should be!) is a bold innovator, not afraid to mix and match equipment and techniques, and is not particular about getting the 'perfect' cup of coffee -- for them it is more a matter of solving an interesting challenge or doing something new with the tools and materials available, in the field they love: as in, I have tried out so many unorthodox ways of making coffee (as also unconventional audio arrangements including the use of PA speakers in the home setting) for the pure thrill of tasting the resultant mix! Whereas a purist will not like to do so.
I have learned and understood a great deal about coffee by direct, sometimes unorthodox experimentation. I don't see it necessarily as compromising on time, money or effort, but rather an assertion of creative independence, the quest for that beautiful and unusual variation, or just the sheer love of everything coffee.