I prefer lattes in big wide cups as it allows me to enjoy it with a multitude of senses.
The wide cup allows me to admire the beautiful presentation with my eyes.
You might put a ear to latte to possibly hear popping crackles from the foam.
The process of consuming starts by absorbing the warmth of the cup into my hands. This tells me if the latte is too hot to consume. The process also conjures up memories of the Japanese green tea ceremony where two hands are used to drink. It makes me feel connected to traditions that are hundreds of years old.
Before I drink, I will smell the bitterness of the coffee, the fat from the foam, and perhaps chocolate or cinnamon sprinkled on top. The wide cup allows for the aroma to reach your nose. Try with a to-go with a lid on... the experience is not the same.
When my lips embrace the outer top of the cup, my tongue bridges against the lip of the cup. From there, I can take a small drink of the crema and foam. The mouth and tongue feel on smooth porcelain is a pleasant experience that a to-go cup nor a clear bar glass can provide.
The process of consuming starts by absorbing the warmth of the cup into my hands. This tells me if the latte is too hot to consume. The process also conjures up memories of the Japanese green tea ceremony where two hands are used to drink. It makes me feel connected to traditions that are hundreds of years old.
The wide cup allows for the aroma to reach your nose. Before I drink, I will smell the bitterness of the coffee, the fat from the foam, and perhaps chocolate or cinnamon sprinkled on top. Try with a to-go with a lid on... the experience is not the same. The mouth and tongue feel on smooth porcelain is a pleasant experience that a to-go cup nor a clear bar glass can provide.