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4 votes

French-press v.s. manual pour over brewing quality

First things first, let's put the difference between French press and manual pour-over: French-press: Coffee and water stay in the same container during brewing. The water is not very close to ...
MTSan's user avatar
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4 votes

Is there a difference in taste between bleached, unbleached and natural fibre filters?

This could depend on the brand of filters and the brewing method so it's worthwhile (and fun) to do the experiment. I'd love to see results from more experimenters. Bamboo vs. Paper Filters: I did ...
Jerry101's user avatar
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3 votes

Kirkland coffee beans are charged?

Hi not likely to be a trait of kirkland beans or of packaging of the beans. Static electricity can build up between the grinder and the beans. - you'll note that the beans will also stick to the sides ...
m.c. von s's user avatar
2 votes

Reusing paper filter by placing metallic net filter in it

When you use two filters instead of one, first a courser filter (metal) and then a finer filter (paper), you believe you are extending the life of the finer filter, but in reality you are doing the ...
Gonçalo's user avatar
2 votes

What's The Difference Between Paper and Long-Lasting Filters

It seems everybody tends to see only the bad side of cafestol such as elevated cholesterol but no-one mentions it being a strong anti-carcinogenic. Health wise, I prefer the permanent one as ...
cirk0's user avatar
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How does Nel Drip compare to paper filtered Pour Over?

One thing that the flavor profile doesn't cover is "mouth feel". According to one Nel aficionado, Nel Coffee has a consistency or mouth feel that's different from traditional pour over. Nel Coffee ...
n_the_mountains's user avatar
2 votes

What is the most environmentally friendly type of coffee filter?

My choice is the Melitta “All natural bamboo filter”. Manufacturer claims “made with 40% bamboo” and “recycled paperboard” and “100% compostable filter paper”. I grind my beans using the Turkish ...
Horatio124's user avatar
2 votes

French-press v.s. manual pour over brewing quality

It's relatively difficult to define quality differences without knowing how you're grinding it. Grinding may be the most influential aspect in your case. If you're grinding with just a basic blade ...
nateclonch's user avatar
2 votes

Stability of Chemex Filter

This is a common problem I experience with my Chemex as well. My advice is as follows: Pre-wet your Chemex (brand) filter while it's in the Chemex. While doing this make sure it's flat against the ...
Tyler Hartwig's user avatar
1 vote

Tea vs. coffee paper filters: are they interchangeable?

As you've mentioned coffee and tea paper filters tend to vary in size and in pore size. You can use them for both, but I would expect different results. When I used to camp I would use individual ...
Rosie's user avatar
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My coffee pot is a 12 cup Cooks.It has a built in filter yet i still feel the need to put a regular filter in it as well.Am i just being foolish?

Totally up to you. A paper filter will filter the oils in the coffee and give you a "brighter" flavor in your coffee. Filtering the oil out may also change the health factors of drinking ...
R Mac's user avatar
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Where to get coffee in Zurich

There are several cafés which serve and roasters of specialty coffee in Zurich. These include: Cafés MAME The owners Emi Fukahori and Mathieu Theis have won several prizes in competitions, Emi won ...
technical_difficulty's user avatar
1 vote

Coffee processing methode and filter brewing guide

In general, you need to adjust your brewing process for each coffee individually and sometimes might even tweak and change it slightly as your coffee ages. Even if some coffees might be from the same ...
technical_difficulty's user avatar
1 vote

What is the most environmentally friendly type of coffee filter?

Of course Option B. Water is fully recyclable. So rinsing vs composting is more friendly. GOHAWKS
Joe Johnston's user avatar
1 vote

Any idea on auto clean coffee filter mechanism?

Not sure if I understand your question correctly but here's what I thought: Maybe a strip of some sort stretched by two rollers. This would enable the use of a rotating cleaning brush. For the ...
Émile Bernard's user avatar
1 vote

Do all Chemex brand filters fit all Chemex brewers the same?

According to the official website for the Chemex products, the filters available for the Chemex are: CHEMEX BONDED FILTERS PRE-FOLDED CIRCLES (FC-100) CHEMEX BONDED FILTERS PRE-FOLDED SQUARES (FS-100)...
Omar Miranda's user avatar
1 vote

French-press v.s. manual pour over brewing quality

From experience, the french press can produce a better flavoured / bolder cup of coffee in my opinion; however paper filters produce a more consistent flavour/body (better quality). For me, quality ...
Emmanuel Mendoza's user avatar

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