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Pour over for single cup brew not extracting caffeine?

Your brewing method is far more similar to French press than it is to pour over. You should be using a coarser grind as is suited for French press and not a medium grind as is suited for drip. You ...
R Mac's user avatar
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Pour over for single cup brew not extracting caffeine?

I say Dolly's advice is spot on for a coffee enthusiast, but let's digress. I think I've heard somewhere that Starbucks does typically use a lot of coffee, actually. You're getting a pretty strong ...
Salt's user avatar
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Pour over for single cup brew not extracting caffeine?

There are too many variables in the question for a definitive answer, but some thoughts: Objective. What is your coffee objective? The question suggests that the coffee is just a mechanism for ...
Dolly's user avatar
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How much caffeine is in 1 teaspoon of ground Arabica coffee?

4 flat tsp of mixed blend of coffee from multiple sources weighted 3g. The powder was not packed/compressed at all. 1 packed tsp of the same coffe weighted also 3g. My digital kitchen scale is able to ...
user12757's user avatar

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