Questions tagged [maintenance]

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6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Messy grounds inside of DeLonghi ESAM 2600

I've got a DeLonghi bean-to-cup machine (ESAM 2600), which I find decent in overall. But there is one very annoying issue: not all of the grounds make it from the basket into the internal waste bin. ...
Ivan Kapitonov's user avatar
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Is it bad to leave the lever in preinfusion mode for a long time?

We have a Rocket Espresso Milano at the office. Recently, I have often found the machine with the lever in the middle position (preinfusion). I guess some people don't turn it all the way down after ...
RHS's user avatar
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Why does my steam-pressure based Espresso machine not push water through the group head?

I have A DeLonghi BCO100IU espresso machine, but when I turn it on for espresso, even with a full boiler, no water comes out of the group head. I am certain this machine works on steam pressure, ...
FrenchDavid50's user avatar
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How to unclog a pressurized filter basket?

Our dual-wall filter basket for the Breville Barista Express appears to be clogged. The video here is long but shows pulling a shot of water through the single-wall basket (fine) and then the dual-...
idealsecurity's user avatar
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Spring fallen out of Delonghi Icona machine

I have a little Delonghi Icona coffee machine. This morning, a small black screw and a metal spring fell out of the bottom of the water container. Can anyone please tell me how to fit it back in? I ...
Lyn's user avatar
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My cafe roma machine doesn't provide enough pressure to push water through the finest setting of my grinder

I've had to turn the setting down on my grinder, but I know the espresso isn't as good. It's not as rich. When i put it on the highest setting, the espresso drips out, one drip a second, and that ...
Sophie McCarrell's user avatar