Questions tagged [latte-art]

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How to froth milk for latte art with a delonghi magnifica

I am trying to get started with latte art. The problem is that I can’t draw because the milk just flows into the coffee. Only the foam on the top remains but that in turn is too light to allow any ...
e.Fro's user avatar
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Piece that goes screwed in my steam wand

I bought a espresso machine for home. The machine I bought is a Ikohs Kaffeta. It has a screwable piece that goes in the tip of the steam wand that it is used to create foam (as the manual says). I ...
Mister Equis's user avatar
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Problems with latte art: too thick to draw

I'm using a low-end machine with pressurized portafilter and started two weeks ago to try the latte art. I'm aware of the basic steps and I have seen a lot of videos but no success at all drawing ...
Eduardo Sousa's user avatar
2 votes
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Best technique to make latte art with an Aeroccino 3?

I want to know which are the best practices to make latte art with the Aeroccino 3. Which level of milk is optimal? Should I use the maximum for hot mark, maximum for cold mark or somewhere below or ...
FedericoG's user avatar
3 votes
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Latte Art... How much foam is too much foam?

I've been a home coffee enthusiast for nearly 12 months now, so to cut a long question short, I'm pulling really nice & consistent espresso shots now after much experimenting & learning...but ...
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14 votes
5 answers

How can I improve this latte?

I have this Delonghi espresso machine. After much trial and error, I have got to the point where my I am able to make cappuccinos and lattes with a milk texture which is pleasing to taste. In order ...
Bekahland's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to make latte-art with a coffee machine that has a cappucinatore?

My coffee machine has a cappucinatore and makes the coffee; milk first and then the coffee. Is it possible to do latte-art in this way? I've always seen the coffee being first and then the milk ...
Aequitas's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

What causes the crema in my latte to appear so charred?

My latest attempt at creating latte art (admittedly theres still room for improvement). My question is, what is causing the crema around the milk to have such a charred look to it? It isn't ...
PDePree's user avatar
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19 votes
8 answers

What is the next best milk substitute for a latte?

I used to drink lattes every day and realized the milk (lactose) was making me feel bad. I'm looking for a good substitute that will steam well, taste good, and be nice for making latte art. What will ...
Michael Pryor's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Can you practice latte art with UHT milk?

I want to practise my latte art skills. However, using fresh milk is quite expensive so my solution was to use long-life (UHT) milk, which is quite a bit cheaper than using fresh milk. Will using ...
Trogdor's user avatar
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How to create these 3-D latte art?

My family and I went to a coffee shop in Japan specifically to try their 3-D latte's, my wife ordered one where it featured I think 2 bears or a bear and rabbit as you can see. How can I recreate ...
EdChum's user avatar
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What qualities do I need from an espresso machine or steam wand in order to produce good latte art?

I'm learning to brew coffee, and one of my aspirations is to be able to brew a good, solid cup of latte, with the milk foamed just right all the way through. I'm getting there, but beyond that point, ...
doppelgreener's user avatar