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How do I know when to end the bloom?

I’m familiar with what the bloom is and why we do it. But all of the instructions and guides about pour-over coffee I’ve ever seen recommend a specific time to let the coffee bloom before continuing ...
hairboat's user avatar
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What's the purpose of the blooming process? [duplicate]

What exactly is the blooming process and why do we do it? Excerpt from Peets: Pour enough water to cover the grounds, start your timer and wait for the grounds to puff up. This stage of ...
Dan Beaulieu's user avatar
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When accounting for bloom, why is the common instruction to stir with very little water?

There is already a question on What is coffee bloom here, and one about why "blooming" the grounds is necessary over on seasoned advice. A currently unanswered question here is is blooming actually ...
Poik's user avatar
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What is coffee bloom

I make drip coffee (pour over for North Americans) at home and I would like to know: what exactly is coffee bloom? When I pour the initial amount of water the grounds swell up, and sometimes there is ...
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