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Ideal brewing time for 3-cup Chemex?

I'm not very good with judging grind sizes, so one method I read about was, instead of focusing so much on grind size pay attention to the brew time. If the brew takes too long, the coffee grounds are ...
Ricardo M's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

How can I improve this Chemex cold brew method?

I do like my cold brewed coffee but it's difficult and inconvenient for me to make and keep in work due to the time it takes to steep, shared fridge space, etc. I came across this method recently... ...
CMD's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Why does the filtrate sometimes well up in the upper cone when using the Chemex coffeemaker

When using the glass-handled 6-cup Chemex like this one: and the appropriate Chemex conical paper filter, the filtrate (liquid that has passed through the coffee and the filter) sometimes wells up ...
Zippy's user avatar
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